The next step in the preparation process is the planning of the Liturgy. You will be given a booklet, which explain the various choices you have in planning the Liturgy. Included in the book are scriptural passages from the Old and New Testament that speak about marriage. Please schedule an appointment with the pastoral Associate 8 to 12 weeks prior to the date of the wedding.
Altar Servers: Are not required but some couples would like servers if they are celebrating their marriage within a Nuptial Mass.
Lectors: It is advised that the individuals you ask to read the liturgical readings at your wedding be experienced at reading scripture. People who are not used to reading in a Church are frequently very nervous and ill at ease. The readers you choose should be given the chosen texts well before the wedding date to rehearse. They must be at the rehearsal.
If your wedding will include a Nuptial Mass you are encouraged to provide Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion from among your guests. These ministers are expected at the rehearsal.
Music and Musicians: When a date for the ceremony has been set, the couple must begin thinking of the liturgical preparations. If, for example a couple is planning on using extra instruments (strings, brass, etc.) the director of music must be contacted immediately. Music selections must be appropriate for liturgical usage and expressive of the Catholic Christian beliefs and vision of marriage. The music you choose for the wedding Liturgy must be spiritual and liturgical in nature. Music is a part of our communal prayer and when used in liturgy must be appropriate for that purpose. A musical selection is considered appropriate for worship when the words clearly express Catholic Christian faith and serve to deepen prayer. Music that comes from non-liturgical sources such as Broadway, popular songs on the radio or internet, etc. can detract from the worship experience and is not permitted.
Our Director of Music will work with you in the selection and placement of music for your wedding. He can provide quality liturgical music that will enhance the prayer of your liturgy. Please do not contract the service of any musicians without the prior consent of the Music Director. Donation for piano music and for a vocalist is $150 for each. The request for musicians must be made well in advance of the wedding – at least 8 weeks before the wedding.
The Minister: The priest or Deacon who assists you in the preparation process will ordinarily be the person who presides at your wedding. You are welcome to approach any of the Priests or Deacons assigned to our Parish and ask him to preside. If you have a priest or Deacon friend, you may ask him to help you prepare and to preside. It is important that the Pastor be notified of this request and that the visiting clergy adhere to our Parish guidelines.
Delegation must be granted by the Pastor for any priest or Deacon outside of the Parish to officiate at a wedding in the Parish.
People in the Wedding Party and Guests: Your family, relatives and friends are an important part of your wedding. They are most welcome to join with the Parish community in witnessing and celebrating your wedding. (Please insure that the entire wedding party dismisses any chewing substance before the ceremony begins.)